Step into Your Power.


It's Time to Uplevel so you can Lead, Connect + Succeed with your sisters at your side. 


Join the Membership

Be seen: Amplify your voice in our uniquely uplifting community.


Make friends: Create deeper connections,

and enjoy the events + opportunities we create for you to support and celebrate yourself and your fellow Bosses. 


Grow visible expertise: Elevate the visibility of your brand.


Share essential resources: Learn, mentor, and showcase your services, products, or talents so you are truly seen, heard, and understood, leaving you better able to meet your specific goals, from startup to superstar.


Be a true "Girl Boss": Get ready to unlock greater visibility and connection for both you and your business, and gain the extra credibility and sparkle only St Pete Girl Boss can provide.

Female Entrepreneurs do it better.

And Girl Bosses are making it happen.

Are you one of us?


You're a committed business owner, but there are days when you feel lost, like you're carrying the weight of your responsibilities alone (or like you want to share an inside joke with someone besides your dog).

Or maybe you are at a point in your business where you are ready to give back more, but you're not finding an outlet to showcase your expertise in a way that feels truly satisfying.

Either way, It can be overwhelming, even isolating.

Although true success comes from and following your own path, women are designed to nurture connections rather than engage in constant transactions.

But guess what? You don't have to navigate this entrepreneurial journey solo, because you've found us. 

What could be better?

We want to offer you the next level of extraordinary.

We know you love being a Girl Boss (we do, too). 

But we have something that:

  • Better supports your goals,
  • Connects you to women willing to invest in themselves,
  • and gives you a position as a foundational part of this community.

*cue the horns*

It's... The St. Pete Girl Boss Uplevel Membership.

*Ta Daaaaa!*

You're here because you have your own thing.

And along with that comes with challenges and desires.

Success is not a solitary pursuit (I mean, even trees and mushrooms communicate).

So, being a part of a strong community, leveraging your enhanced visibility, and participating in mentorship--both giving and receiving, is key to our advancement.

It's the key to leaving a legacy.


It's not just about connecting, and it's about enjoying the fruits of your labor in community.

With our membership, you'll be more connected to women who genuinely "get" you.

You'll be a foundational part of the powerful Girl Boss support system that propels women's business forward.

You'll grow faster, have the option for more visibility, and invest in your next steps as well as your favorite community.


We are proud to be part of your entrepreneurial journey and be by your side every step of the way.

Together we can help you uplevel and cultivate your wildly successful business.

Join the Uplevel

Or click here to pay in full for one year.

Hi, friend. I'm Sandy Bean.

I'm the founder of St Pete Girl Boss. I am a former educator turned consultant, ADHD + Business coach, speaker and women's advocate, and I am on a mission to make the world a better place, one female entrepreneur at a time.

I started St Pete Girl Boss as a way to surround myself with a  positive as I started by first business (an enrichment company for gifted and twice-exceptional students). I found out entrepreneurship is isolating and can be maddening when you are in your own head, doing everything and feeling it all. 

I wanted more, and I needed to learn so much. 

Turns out, lots of other women wanted the same: connection, growth, authenticity, and success. We wanted to be taken seriously but also to let our "hair down" (so to speak). We needed to celebrate our success but also express our challenges. 

In short, we needed a community. and we found it in each other. 

We are creating an impressive movement-- an ecosystem of respect that is building financial and energetic abundance for our members. We have built spaces where members can feel valued and accepted. We have built a formidable referral network. And, we have (and will keep having!) lots of fun and learning so much along the way. 

You are such an important part of this movement. 

Why? Because collaboration is our secret weapon against all of the factors that keep women from the resources we need to build a more equitable world for each other and our descendents. 

It's really that simple-- grow your business alongside your sisters, or mentor your sisters who need your genius. 

This Uplevel is designed to support that (and includes some fun perks just because, let's face it, you have earned them); it's my ever-evolving creation designed to help you feel expansive, special, connected and supported.

Join the Uplevel

So if you, too believe that a non-competitive, brilliantly whimsical, uniquely inspiring female-exclusive membership organization dedicated to the growth and advancement of women in business can change the world, and you want to be in the front seat, come on in!

We believe in inclusion, creativity, consistent learning, and the power of women to create positive, lasting change within their communities.

Won't you invest in us AND yourself?


There is room for everyone.


Your success makes us all stronger.


Uplevel your Involvement Today!




What Benefits are Part of the CEO UpLevel  Membership?

Get into the Uplevel

We got you this:

It’s time to uplevel, and we’re so glad you’re here.

Join Uplevel Pro

See what our current members are saying...


Taylor Dunworth

Handmade Tampa Bay


Adrienne Venable

Social Dragonflies


Kelly Abanda

Design Your Detour


Denise Marsh

Empowerment Retreat Leader at RAW

Author Do It For Your Selfie


Lulu Ericson

Finding Freedom Life Transformation


Ilene Mitnick

CoFounder of The Zest Zone 


Carla Clayton

Owner of Wellness Lady


Nicole Saunches

Real Estate Advisor with Coastal Properties Group


Michelle Lowther

Owner of Lowther Legal


Alli Baldwin

Owner and CoFounder of The Zest Zone

Experience the Girl Boss Effect Every Day!



We are going to conquer your fears, and help you identify the real fearless powerful YOU and take on every challenge like the BOSS you are!


More fans, More email list Subscribers, More Followers & More Customers to fall in love with your business and you!


We are going to show you ways to make your business more profitable.  Cutting expenses while increasing profits.


You can offer it AND receive it, no matter what your goals.

We give you that extra opportunity and motivation to achieve your goals.


Unlock the power of increased visibility for your business and watch as it opens doors to new opportunities, expands your reach, and propels you towards greater success. Posting in the group, teaching classes, tabling at coffees, and just showing you around each other in smaller environments will help you move into the next phase of your journey.


Connect, network, and enjoy game nights, coffees, happier hours, virtual co-working, and more with fellow St. Pete Girl Bosses in our more intimate Uplevel community

What happens when powerful women

elevate collaborate and educate one another?  

We change the world!

I am ready to be the best version of my entrepreneur self!

Join CEO Uplevel Pro

Where the Magic Started

We started with Friday morning coffees to network and feature speakers who are experts in our community. We quickly outgrew the small space we met in and are thrilled to continue expanding the networking, workshops, and community events we offer.

Being a Girl Boss Means...

We are committed to empowering female entrepreneurs by fostering a vibrant and supportive community where diversity and growth flourish.

Our mission is to provide a dynamic environment that nurtures each member's business journey through engaging workshops, robust networking events, and comprehensive support systems.

We aim to dismantle barriers, promote equity, and celebrate the unique strengths of each woman, enabling them to thrive and redefine the landscape of entrepreneurship.

We love to volunteer together, have fun together, and most of all, connect to share wisdom, opportunity, and experience as entrepreneurs. 


A whole army of cheerleaders is waiting for you!



Our Uplevel Membership provides:

Visibility opportunities that will amplify your business and help you reach a wider audience.

Think teaching, posting your offers, speaking at meetings, leading virtual discussions... all included.

Access to next-level knowledge, like exclusive resources, expert guidance, mentorship matching, and game-changing strategies that will empower Bosses to navigate the ever-changing business landscape with confidence and clarity are ready for you.

You have a front seat.

Are you ready to invest in the community that understands, supports, and uplifts you?

Are you ready for more visibility, more fun, and next-level knowledge?

The St. Pete Girl Boss Upgrade Membership is here to make that a reality.

There is room for everyone.

Take your front seat and see what happens next.