Starting December 5, choose between 1-3 experiences each week for 12 weeks.
At the bottom of this page is a list of all providers and offers sorted by wellness category. Click on any of the providers below to learn more about their offers and how to book. Choose which offers you want to try then book what's convenient for you.
Click here to download your Wellness Passport Companion Workbook so you can really get the most out of your passport experience, set and track goals for your wellness success.
Click here to download and print your passport so you can track which providers you have seen or still need to see.
Click here to access the Facebook group with the 30 providers with weekly virtual Q & A sessions.
If you see one provider a week and track them, you have access to an Exclusive Celebration when the program ends!
Join Our Free Trial
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.